Quick start#

Make sure that autotools, libtool, pkg-config and libuv are installed on your system.

On a Debian (or derivative) systems you can do that with:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool pkg-config libuv1-dev

Then run:

autoreconf -i
sudo make install

Then create a main.c file with this simple test program that just runs a single raft server and implements a basic state machine for incrementing a counter:

#include <raft.h>
#include <raft/uv.h>

static raft_id id = 12345;
static const char *address = "";
static const char *dir = "/tmp/raft-quick-start";
static struct raft_configuration conf;
static struct uv_loop_s loop;
static struct uv_raft_s raft;
static struct uv_timer_s timer;
static unsigned counter = 0;
static uint64_t command;

static void timerCb(uv_timer_t *timer) {
    struct raft_buffer buf;
    command = uv_now(timer->loop) % 10;
    buf.len = sizeof command;
    buf.base = &command;
    uv_raft_submit(&raft, RAFT_COMMAND, &buf);

static void commitCb(struct uv_raft_s *raft, int type, const struct uv_buf_s *buf) {
    counter += *(uint64_t *)buf->base;
    printf("counter: %u\n", counter);
    return 0;

int main() {
    mkdir(dir, 0755);
    raft_configuration_add(&conf, id, address, RAFT_VOTER);
    uv_raft_init(&loop, &raft, id, address, dir);
    uv_timer_init(&loop, &timer);
    uv_raft_bootstrap(&raft, &conf);
    uv_raft_start(&raft, commitCb, NULL, NULL);
    uv_timer_start(&timer, timerCb, 0, 1000);
    uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

You can compile and run it with:

cc main.c -o main -lraft -luv && ./main