raft_message — RPC messages#

The raft_message struct holds information about a single RPC message being received or sent over the network.

Data types#

enum raft_message_type#

RPC message type codes.

enum raft_event_type {
struct raft_message#

Union of all RPC message structs, plus information about the sender or the receiver (depending on whether the message is being sent or received).

struct raft_message
    enum raft_message_type type; /* RPC type code */
    raft_id server_id;           /* ID of sending or destination server */
    const char *server_address;  /* Address of sending or destination server */
    union {                      /* Type-specific data */
        struct raft_request_vote request_vote;
        struct raft_request_vote_result request_vote_result;
        struct raft_append_entries append_entries;
        struct raft_append_entries_result append_entries_result;
        struct raft_install_snapshot install_snapshot;
        struct raft_timeout_now timeout_now;


struct raft_request_vote#

Holds the parameters of a RequestVote RPC message.

struct raft_request_vote
    unsigned char version;     /* Message format version. */
    raft_term term;            /* Candidate's term */
    raft_id candidate_id;      /* ID of the server requesting the vote */
    raft_index last_log_index; /* Index of candidate's last log entry */
    raft_index last_log_term;  /* Term of log entry at last_log_index */
    bool disrupt_leader;       /* True if current leader should be discarded */
    bool pre_vote;             /* True if this is a pre-vote request */

RequestVote result#

struct raft_request_vote_result#

Holds the parameters of a RequestVote RPC result message.

struct raft_append_entries_result
    unsigned char version;     /* Message format version */
    raft_term term;            /* Receiver's current_term */
    raft_index rejected;       /* If non-zero, the index that was rejected */
    raft_index last_log_index; /* Receiver's last log entry index, as hint */
    unsigned short features;   /* Feature flags (since version 1) */
    unsigned short capacity;   /* Reserved disk capacity for log entries */


struct raft_append_entries#

Holds the parameters of an AppendEntries RPC request message.

struct raft_append_entries
    unsigned char version;      /* Message format version */
    raft_term term;             /* Leader's term */
    raft_index prev_log_index;  /* Index of log entry preceeding new ones */
    raft_term prev_log_term;    /* Term of entry at prev_log_index */
    raft_index leader_commit;   /* Leader's commit index */
    struct raft_entry *entries; /* Log entries to append */
    unsigned n_entries;         /* Size of the log entries array */

AppendEntries result#

struct raft_append_entries_result#

Holds the parameters of an AppendEntries RPC result message.

struct raft_append_entries_result
    unsigned char version;     /* Message format version */
    raft_term term;            /* Receiver's current_term */
    raft_index rejected;       /* If non-zero, the index that was rejected */
    raft_index last_log_index; /* Receiver's last log entry index, as hint */
    unsigned short features;   /* Feature flags (since version 1) */
    unsigned short capacity;   /* Reserved disk capacity for log entries */


struct raft_install_snapshot#

Holds the parameters of an InstallSnapshot RPC request message.

struct raft_install_snapshot
    unsigned char version;          /* Message format version */
    raft_term term;                 /* Leader's term */
    raft_index last_index;          /* Index of last entry in the snapshot */
    raft_term last_term;            /* Term of last_index */
    struct raft_configuration conf; /* Config as of last_index */
    raft_index conf_index;          /* Commit index of conf */
    struct raft_buffer data;        /* Raw snapshot data */


struct raft_timeout_now#

Holds the parameters of a TimeoutNow RPC request message.

struct raft_timeout_now
    unsigned char version;     /* Message format version */
    raft_term term;            /* Leader's term */
    raft_index last_log_index; /* Index of leader's last log entry */
    raft_index last_log_term;   /* Term of log entry at last_log_index */